Corporate Profile

Corporation Name IBEX Airlines Co., Ltd.
Address Shinsuna 1-2-3, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Date of Foundation January 29, 1999
Start of Operations August 7, 2000
Paid-in Capital JPY 1 million
Japan Digital Laboratory Co., Ltd. 47.9%
Kazuo Maezawa [president of Japan Digital Laboratory Co., Ltd.] 21.2%
Southern International Co., Ltd. 7.3%
Others 14.1%
Business Operations Scheduled air transportation business
Business Aims Air Transportation Business
  • Contribute to the Revitalization of Regional Economies in Japan
    • The economies of regional Japanese cities are at risk of stagnation due to the restructuring and cessation of flight routes by existing airlines. However, through the operation of smaller jet aircraft on regional routes which may be unprofitable for medium- and large-sized aircraft, we can not only sustain existing economic activity but also unearth latent demand and contribute to economic revitalization.
  • Contribute to the Healthy Development of the Overall Aviation Industry
    • We will contribute to the healthy development of the overall aviation industry by proceeding with the assignment of aircraft to routes in line with passenger demand.
Board of Directors
President & Representative Director: Yutaka Maezawa
Excutive Director: Koichiro Sakuraba
Excutive Director: Satoshi Bamba
Shinichiro Hidaka
Kenichi Sakaguchi
Corporate Auditor: Shinichiro Kubo
Number of Employees 377 (as of October 1, 2024; includes directors)
Principal Offices
Head Office: 1-2-3 Shinsuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136-8640
Sendai: Sendai Airport, Aza-Minamihara Shimomasuda, Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture 989-2401
Osaka: Osaka International Airport, 3 Chome-555 Hotarugaiki Nishimachi, Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture 560-0036
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