Ticket Changes/Refunds

Ticket Changes/Refunds

■Reservation Confirmation
When confirming or changing your reservation, please let us know your flight number, scheduled departure date, and your name or reservation number.
■Where to Make Your Request
ANA airport counters, Reservation and Service Center, online, travel agencies
■Reservation Changes
Please change your reservation before the departure of the relevant flight.
Upon changing your reservation, the terms and conditions for the relevant fare will apply.
■Reservation Refunds
Fare and fee refunds can be requested within the ticket validity period and up to 30 days thereafter.
Upon requesting a refund, your verification code will be required. The designated handling and cancellation fees will also apply.

Refund Details

[Credit Card]
When paying by credit card, the amount will be refunded to the credit card account used. The number of days required to receive a refund will vary depending on the day the request was made and the credit card company deadlines and the point at which they process the refund.
  • Depending on the timing of your request, it may take 2 to 3 months for you to receive your refund.
  • When the purchase amount and refund are calculated simultaneously, only a handling fee will be deducted. If the purchase has already been made, a handling fee will be deducted and the remaining amount refunded at a later date. Please contact your credit card company for further details.
[Convenience Store Payment]
For convenience store payments, the refund will be paid into the designated account approximately 7 days after the request is made.
  • Convenience store payments can be made in cash only.
  • Refunds may take longer than 7 days during certain periods such as the year-end/New Year holiday period.
  • Refunds may not be made in this time frame if there are system failures at financial institutions or multiple flight cancellations, etc., due to poor weather or similar.
  • Please be aware that bank transfer fees will be borne by the customer for refunds made at their request, or refunds attributable to neither the company nor the customer such as force majeure (e.g., bad weather).

<Changes/Refund Requests: Exceptional Cases>

The following exceptions will be made for customers who are unable to travel for reasons such as illness.
For more information, please contact the Reservation and Service Center (0570-057-489; available year-round 08:00-20:00 JST).

  • You will be required to submit a medical certificate or similar from a physician upon changing your reservation or requesting a refund.
  • Reservations can be changed to flights departing within the 30 days following the original departure date.
  • Refund and cancellation fees will not apply.
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